Tag Archives: new desk

5 things I am happy about this week:

5.  I found out they have Starbucks in Japan!!

4.  I made the tastiest chocolate cake ever, trans-fat free, thanks to the Pioneer Woman.

3.  My wonderful husband took me out to dinner last night at Texas Roadhouse, where we had great service and even greater steak (plus he took me to Starbucks after dinner 🙂 )

2.  I discovered Headsprout – more about that later

And finally… the number 1 thing I am happy about this week…

1.  We bought a new desk!  Anticlimactic, I know, but we have very very little furniture in our temporary apartment right now and I have not had a place to set up the printer or to organize anything.  So… last night, as I was on the verge of a mental breakdown from the messy pile of stuff in our living room, my dear husband took me to Wal-mart where we bought the cheapest, ugliest desk for $37.  We brought it home and two of the pieces were broken, which I guess were not important because we put it together anyhow, and I spent the rest of the evening reorganizing my homeschool/office stuff, and stayed up till 3 am planning our next year of homeschool.  Ironically, even with virtually no sleep, I feel better now than I have in days.  It was like I was sinking into some kind of depression state and buying an ugly desk was all I needed to snap out of it 🙂

If I could, I would snap a picture of it real quick, but our camera randomly broke while we were at the hockey game, so you will just have to trust me on this one 🙂 Luckily, I will not be allowed to take the desk to Japan…